How to help your child learn English as a second language

 Everything You Need To Know Before First Grade

In the early 1900s, learning a foreign language was a rite of passage for young children. They were the first to experience new cultures and take an interest in learning a new tongue. In today’s world, learning a foreign language is as essential as speaking it. However, due to the widespread use of English as a global language, many children have difficulty learning a second language. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available to help you teach your child the basics of language and literacy. In this article, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about teaching kids English as a second language.

Is it really necessary to teach kids English as a second language?


Many experts recommend that children learn a second language at about the same age as they learn to ride a bike. By about age 3, most children can speak, read, and write in multiple languages. Make sure your child is actively using these skills by using a second language when possible.


Learning a second language is an important part of a child’s development. It helps them improve motor skills, makes them creative, and allows them to communicate with people from other cultures. Even if your child won’t become a translator at school, they’re probably going to need to know a second language when they grow up.

The ability to communicate and collaborate with people from other countries will come in useful when your child is in a diverse work setting, such as a job or school board.



If your child is displaying any of the following signs, they may not be learning enough English:


91% of children ages 3-5 speak English more often than they speak another language orally


of children ages, 3-5 speaks English more often than they speak another language orally 91% of children ages 6-11 speak English more often than they speak another language orally


if your child is Bilingual:


Both of you speak English and your child is showing signs of being too:


  • They can recognize familiar words

  • They can use words/phrases to describe what they see/feel

  • They understand various words/phrases that you use in other languages


Should kids learn a second language?


Many people assume that kids should learn a second language

because they’ll be spending time with other speakers of that language. While that’s a part of it, it’s not the only factor to take into account. There are several other things to consider, such as your child’s language proficiency and their comfort level with new language learning methods.


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